IMETC Privacy Policy
IMETC intends to apply best industry practices in protecting your information and adhere to this privacy policy by not ever sharing your email address, telephone number, name or credit card information with any third party except only when its needed to process or complete any transactions you initiate.
Please first IMETC email at with any questions or concerns about IMETC Privacy Notice.

IMETC Privacy Notice
Last updated: March 7, 2021.
IMETC recognizes that you care how information about you is used, and we need your trust in care of this information. This notice only describes IMETC’s privacy policy.

By visiting the IMETC "website", you are accepting the practices described in this IMETC Privacy Notice.

Collection and Use of Personally Identifiable Information
IMETC will collect personally identifiable data, such as your name, address, telephone number, or e-mail address, when it is voluntarily submitted to us. IMETC may use the information that you provide to create a response to your requests or needs, improve future shopping, our products, and operations.

Tracking Technologies

Non-Personally Identifiable Information
IMETC also analyzes information in aggregate form, for example the total number of visitors to our site, the number of visitors to each page of our site, total purchases and other such technical information. This is technical information that does not by itself identify a specific individual. No personally identifiable information is available in this process and referred to as "non-personally identifiable information". IMETC may use this type of information to improve future shopping, our products, and operations.

Change of Privacy Policy
IMETC will update the privacy policy notice with the relevant changes and new effective date.

Disclosure of Information
All Personally Identified Information gathered can be disclosed to judicial or other government agencies subject to warrants, subpoenas or other governmental orders.

IMETC will not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13.
IMETC requests that if you are under the age of 18, that you not submit any personal information without the consent and participation of a parent or guardian.

Third Party Links and Advertisement
IMETC sites may contain links to a number of sites that are thought to provide relevant information. The privacy policies and procedures described here do not apply to those sites. We recommend contacting those sites directly for information on their data collection and distribution policies.

Please first email at with any questions or concerns about IMETC Privacy Notice.